Rue de L´Ile Pointiere-ZI de Chevire-BP4020, 44101, Nantes Cedex 4 France, España
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Rue de L´Ile Pointiere-ZI de Chevire-BP4020, 44101, Nantes Cedex 4 France, España
Sobre E.Y.B.
Servicios ofrecidos por E.Y.B.
Bateau de propriétaire en parfait état. De nombreux équipements: Winchs 48st, réservoir eaux noires avec filtres et jauge, Iridium, équipets supplémentaires, double rail d'écoutes, 2 étais largable. Visible à pornic (44). A SAISIR ! *** Owner's version in perfect condition. Many equipments : ST48 winches, holding tank with filters and gauge, iridium, extra lockers, double sheet track, 2 flying stays. The boat is lying in Pornic. Well worth a viewing.
Eslora: 11,94 m Motores: 1 Año: 2007
220000 €
E.Y.B.Beneteau Ombrine 1001 built June 2003, powered by twin KAD32's with approx 330 hours run. These boat present a great value twin diesel sports cruiser with a well designed cockpit providing masses of space. Please contact Ancasta Lymington for more information or to arrange a viewing.
Eslora: 10,15 m Motores: 2 Año: 2003
73918 €
E.Y.B.Dedicated to offshore sailing, Nouanni, between Maracuja and Passoa, was designed by Philippe Harle to match blue water cruising needs. The high construction standard of Garcia shipyard adds security and longlasting evidence. Aluminium round bilge, drop centerboard (two centerboards), cutter rigged, remarkable autonomy, PERKINS engine : this ship is definitely dedicated to circumnavigation. Version with salon in the middle, 3 cabins. > Survey 03/2009 available while visiting. ////////////////////// Unite hauturiere par excellence, Nouanni, entre Maracuja et Passoa, a ete dessine par Philippe Harle pour repondre au mieux aux exigences de tous les grands voyages. La qualite de fabrication des chantiers GARCIA ajoute les gages de securite et longevite. Coque aluminium en forme, deriveur (a deux derives) greement cotre, autonomie remarquable et motorisation PERKINS : ce modele est fait pour les longues routes. Version avec carre au milieu, 3 cabines. > Expertise de 03/2009 consultable lors de la visite.
Eslora: 13,50 m Motores: 1 Año: 1985
220000 €
E.Y.B.A fantastic opportunity to purchase a nearly new Oceanis 40 which has seen very light use. The Oceanis 40 has been one of the most popular boats ever produced by Beneteau with over 700 being made since it's launch in 2006. This particular example is extremely well equipped with her owner ticking all the right boxes when he bought her new. Early viewing is not just recommended but essential to prevent you missing out on such a great boat. Lying afloat here in Lymington (South Coast, UK) and available to view seven days a week at short notice.
Eslora: 12,17 m Motores: 1 Año: 2007
136408 €
E.Y.B.This Jouet 1300, from the famous architect Tartarolo, is a reliable unit presented for a low price. 6 sails. Engine 50HP. Interior with 2 cabins and a large aft salon. Dinghy, outboard engine, wind gen. are completing the inventory. Needs some work. //////////////////////// Ce Jouet 1300, dessine par Tartarolo, est une unité sure, et presente a un prix tres correct. 6 voiles. Moteur 50CV. Interieur avec 2 cabines et un grand carre sur l'arriere. Annexe, moteur HB et eolienne completent la panoplie. Travaux a prevoir.
Eslora: 12,80 m Motores: 1 Año: 1980
49900 €
E.Y.B.VEDETTE ETAT NEUF, 1ère main, vendue et entretenue par nos soins, visible à flot, disponible. Equipement complémentaire : cabine marin, table carré luxe, cabestans électriques d'amarres babord et tribord, moquette carré amovible, antenne satellite Tracvison M3. *** Cruising boat in as new condition. 1st owner. Sold and maintained by our yard. Lying afload. Available now. Extra equipments : crew cabin, luxe saloon table, port and starboard mooring winches, removable carpet in saloon, Tracvision M3 satellite aerial.
Eslora: 14,55 m Motores: 2 Año: 2007
380000 €
E.Y.B.SUPERBE ETAT, 1ère main, peu d'heures, coque bleue. Disponible ***** Boat in beautiful condition which has been seldomly used and therefore only has few engine hours. She comes with a blue hull and is available right away.
Eslora: 9,25 m Motores: 1 Año: 2005
75000 €
E.Y.B.DAY CRUISER EN PARFAIT ETAT. 2 COUCHETTES. SONDEUR-GPS VHF. BIMINI. ARMEMENT COTIER 6 PERS. 300 HRS. VENDU AVEC REVISION. 1ERE MAIN. *** Day cruiser in perfect condition. 2 berths. Sounder, GPS, VHF. Bimini. Safety equipment for coastal cruising. 300 engine hours. Engine serviced.
Eslora: 7,15 m Motores: 1 Año: 2002
28000 €
E.Y.B.TRES BELLE UNITEE LA MOINS CHERE DU MARCHE - FULL OPTIONS - A VOIR. *** Very nice boat. Best attractive price on the market. Full options. Well worth viewing.
Eslora: 13,40 m Motores: 1 Año: 1991
115000 €
E.Y.B.BARCA PERFETTA, DA VEDERE!!!!! SCAFO BLU NOUVO, BATTERIE NUOVE, PASSERELLA IDRAULICA NUOVA, ELICA DI PRUA NUOVA, CUSCINERIE NUOVE, PRONTA A NAVIGARE **** perfect boat which ought to be seen! Blue hull, new batteries, new hydraulic gangway, new bow thruster, new upholstery ; she is indeed ready to cruise.
Eslora: 13,30 m Motores: 2 Año: 1982
79000 €