Barcos de ocasión y barcos nuevos, venta de neumáticas, veleros, yates de segunda mano. Todo en Anuncios del Barco

Beneteau FIRST 38S5


60000 €

  • Año:1990

  • Estado:Ocasion

  • Eslora:11,70 metros

  • Manga:3,72 metros

  • Calado:0,00 m

  • Marca motor:VOLVO

  • Motores:1

  • Potencia motor:29

  • Combustible:Diesel

  • Capacidad combustible:0 litros

  • Localización:Francia

  • Capacidad agua:0 litros

  • Personas:0

  • Baños:0

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Rue de L´Ile Pointiere-ZI de Chevire-BP4020, 44101, Nantes Cedex 4 France, España

Descripción de Beneteau FIRST 38S5

Très belle unité de propriétaire. Moteur neuf de 2007. Bateau expertisé. Equipement électronique complet et récent. *** Very nice owner's boat. New 2007 engine. Boat surveyed. Complete and recent electronic equipment.

Barcos relacionados con Beneteau FIRST 38S5

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Beneteau FIRST 25.7

Engine serviced April 2008, impeller changed and main fuel filter drain and inspection. Lifting keel mechanism lubricated April 2008, International VC17 antifouling applied April 2008. This First 25.7 was delivered late 2004 to Lake Windermere, purchased on brokerage by the current owner in early Summer 2007, moved to Oban from Windermere by road 30th July 2007. Upgraded Navigation Equipment, fitted radio and antenna etc at this time for Coastal use. Berthed in Oban Marina since then, stored ashore with mast removed November 2007 until April 2008. No known defects, all items on 2007 survey were rectified at time of purchase.

Eslora: 7,90 m Motores: 1 Año: 2004

33988 €


Beneteau FIRST 42S7

Configurazione Regata al Top. Interni e Configurazione Crociera riverniciati e lucidati luglio 2000. Volanti non strutturali in Aramidico.
Randa Full Batten e Genoa Rollabile in Dacron. 2 Rande in Spectra, 1 Randa in Kevlar, 2 Genoa Leggeri, 2 Genoa Medi, 2 Genoas Pesanti, G3, G4, TMT, Randa di K, 2 spinnakers 0.50, 1 Spinnaker 0.75, 1 spinnaker 1.5, Wind seeker.

Eslora: 12,95 m Motores: 1 Año: 1995

168000 €


Beneteau OCEANIS 50

Un croiseur de prestige dans un état concours. Très équipé dans un état irréprochable, cet Océanis 50 (3 cabines, 2 salles de bain) fera le bonheur de son futur propriétaire. LOA possible. *** A prestigious yacht in wonderful condition. Fully equipped, this Oceanis 50 will satisfy the requirements of her coming owner. 3 cabins, 2 heads. Leasing possible.

Eslora: 15,10 m Motores: 1 Año: 2006

265000 €
