Barcos de ocasión y barcos nuevos, venta de neumáticas, veleros, yates de segunda mano. Todo en Anuncios del Barco



1175000 €

  • Año:2005

  • Estado:Ocasion

  • Eslora:18,28 metros

  • Manga:9,60 metros

  • Calado:0,00 m

  • Marca motor:TO BE CONFIRMED

  • Motores:2

  • Potencia motor:110

  • Combustible:Diesel

  • Capacidad combustible:0 litros

  • Localización:España

  • Capacidad agua:0 litros

  • Personas:0

  • Baños:0

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Rue de L´Ile Pointiere-ZI de Chevire-BP4020, 44101, Nantes Cedex 4 France, España

Descripción de SUN REEF 60

Barcos relacionados con SUN REEF 60

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Unico proprietario - Allarme motore, autoclave, stereo. Tuga in teak. Mediazione a carico dell'acquirente: 5% + IVA. *** Motor alarms, water pump, stereo. Teak roof. 5% + VAT charged to the buyer. 2008 : verniciatura totale scafo blu con Woul Grip, levigatura coperta teakl e parziale rigommatura, antivegetativa, consegna pronta alla boa in ottimo stato.

Eslora: 14,42 m Motores: 1 Año: 2001

165000 €



Please note that the euro price shown for this database may be misleading due to changes in the exchange rate. "PRUDENCE" AFT COCKPIT CRUISER. The Sadler/Quest 27 has a deep cockpit typical of yachts of this era with most of the control lines led aft for ease of short handed sailing. She is well balanced and will sail herself when well trimmed. The bunks in the forecabin and saloon can sleep the 6 5 owner!The current owner has carried out ongoing maintenance and improvements to the boat, and she is presented in very good order.There is a storage cradle included.30lb CQR anchor with approximately 20 m chain and 20m warp. Teak grabrails on coachroof. 2 x Lewmar 30 2 speed primaries and 2 x Lewmar 8 halyard/reefing winches on coachroof. Most lines led aft. Stainless steel pulpit, pushpit, stanchions and bases, 2 x cleats and swimming ladder. Alloy perforated toe rail and 3 x cleats. Sprayhood and dodgers new 2005. Over/under boom cockpit tent. Cockpit cushions. Helmsmans seats to port and starboard in cockpit. Boathook. Brush. Ensign and staff. Additional set of washboards and acrylic washboard.

Eslora: 7,93 m Motores: 1 Año: 1979

11095 €



Long Keel Fisher 37. Hull Epoxied in 2004. Purchased February 2006 by present owner.For sale due to work committments. ?35,000 was spent during 2006 refurbishing this vessel.

Eslora: 13,10 m Motores: 1 Año: 1984

125000 €
