Tres bon marcheur, sur et confortable a la mer autant qu'en vie a bord, le Sunshine 38 est un modele particulierement bien ne, signe Tony Castro. Tout aussi capable de tenir sa place en regate que d'entreprendre des voyages au long cours, "Elodie" vient en version quillard et proprietaire (deux cabines). Les boiseries interieures en teck attestent d'une qualite de construction et d'un souci de finition qui n'ont plus vraiment cours. Son etat impeccable temoigne d'un entretien soigneux et regulier. Elodie est prete a repartir. Test de coque Tramex (juin 2008) : coque seche. *** Very good performances, reliable and comfortable at sea and living aboard, the Sunshine 38 is a very well born model. Designed by Tony Castro, she is able either to reach good ranking in regattas or to face blue water cruises needs. "Elodie" comes in fin keel owner's version (two cabins). Teak interior woodwork testify the high-standard build and finishing, heritage from traditional sailing yachts. Very well serviced and cared, "Elodie" is in very good condition, ready to sail again. Hull test with Tramex (june 2008) : hull dry.
VERSIONE ARMATORIALE - TENUTA DA MARINAIO FISSO - PASSERELLA CARBONIO-2° PROPRIETARIO - 2 GPS DI CUI UNO IN POZZETTO - SMART CONTROLL PILOTA - RANDA STECCATA FULL BATTEN SU CARRELLI HARKEN - CARENA FATTA MAGGIO 2009 - NO LEASING. Cucina - Allarme motore - Autoclave - Avvolgi Fiocco - Camminamenti laterali in teak - Doppia timoneria (DOPPIA TIMONERIA IN POZZETTO) - Giubbetti di salvataggio - Raddrizzatore - Supporto motore fuoribordo. Codice Scheda: 23658. Mediazione A carico de'll acquirente 5% + IVA. *** Boat ref: 23658. 5% + VAT will be charged to the buyer.
Modello Vintage - Cabina equipaggio senza WC - Ancora Delta di rispetto - imbarcazione fatturabile - 2009 nuove : cuscinerie interne. Mediazione a carico de'll acquirente 5% + IVA. *** Vintage version. 5% + VAT will be charged to the buyer.