Barcos de ocasión y barcos nuevos, venta de neumáticas, veleros, yates de segunda mano. Todo en Anuncios del Barco



153000 €

  • Año:1990

  • Estado:Ocasion

  • Eslora:13,22 metros

  • Manga:3,95 metros

  • Calado:0,00 m

  • Marca motor:VOLVO

  • Motores:1

  • Potencia motor:110

  • Combustible:Diesel

  • Capacidad combustible:0 litros

  • Localización:Francia

  • Capacidad agua:0 litros

  • Personas:0

  • Baños:0

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Rue de L´Ile Pointiere-ZI de Chevire-BP4020, 44101, Nantes Cedex 4 France, España

Descripción de HALLBERG RASSY 42

Barcos relacionados con HALLBERG RASSY 42

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The sailing performance is excellent. The rudder reacts almost without any delay when steering and you get the feel of a considerably lighter boat. There is hardly a comparable saloon that breathes such a generous feel. Here you have elbow space without end. All in all the new HR 43 fulfils the high expectations she carries. The HR 43 is one of the prettiest boats ever built by Hallberg-Rassy. You will like this Germán Frers design instantly. You will have to search for a long time to find anything like her.

Eslora: 13,57 m Motores: 1 Año: 2004

439000 €
