Barcos de ocasión y barcos nuevos, venta de neumáticas, veleros, yates de segunda mano. Todo en Anuncios del Barco



59000 €

  • Año:1985

  • Estado:Ocasion

  • Eslora:12,65 metros

  • Manga:3,96 metros

  • Calado:0,00 m

  • Marca motor:PERKINS

  • Motores:1

  • Potencia motor:40

  • Combustible:Diesel

  • Capacidad combustible:0 litros

  • Localización:Francia

  • Capacidad agua:0 litros

  • Personas:0

  • Baños:0

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Rue de L´Ile Pointiere-ZI de Chevire-BP4020, 44101, Nantes Cedex 4 France, España

Descripción de SHOW 42

Travaux à prévoir , Voilier très performant avec beaucoup de cachet, pour amoureux des belles lignes. *** Some works have to be foreseen. Performant sailing boat.

Barcos relacionados con SHOW 42

En esta sección podrás encontrar embarcaciones similares a las características del barco que estas buscando.


Nagrafax, Interfonico Elvox con 5 apparati, Barometro, Igrometro, Termometro, 2 Orologi, SSB Sailor mod. MFRE 2100, Plotter Navimap mod. DS 601, indicatore angolo di barra VDO. La barca è stata periziata nel luglio 2004 e sono state controllate anche le lamiere nello spessore e nella solidità. Uno yacht di fascino, adatto a lunghe crociere e anche al charter e al diving. *** Nagrafax, Elvox interphone with 5 transceivers, barometer, hygrometer, thermometer, 2 clocks, SSB Sailor mod. MFRE 2100, Plotter Navimap mod. DS 601. The boat has been surveyed in July 2004. She is a fascinating yacht, adapted to long cruises as well as to charter and diving.

Eslora: 16,62 m Motores: 1 Año: 1987

310000 €



Holding: 50L. Fresh water heat exchanger cooling. Flex mounts. Saildrive unit with reverse. Single lever engine controls. Cruising speed 6.5 knots @ 3,000 rpm with a consumption of approx. 1 gallon per hour, max approx 7.5 knots @ 3,500 rpm. Approx 900hrs. Mains system ? connection point with battery charger, immersion heater in calorifier and outlets below. By North 2004 fully battened slab reefing mainsail with 2005 spreader patches and third reef. Harken winches ? 2 x 46ST headsail sheet and 2 x 40ST halyard/reefing. Icom IC-M802 SSB with auto aerial tuner. Chrome clock and barometer. 65m chain and Delta bower anchor. FYS REF 1757

Eslora: 12,35 m Motores: 1 Año: 2004

118902 €



Bateau hiverné 10 mois par an sous Hangars. En parfait état, prêt à mettre les voiles, ca bateau est idéal pour la croisère tout en ayant de bonnes sensations à la voile, il est sécurisant et performant. *** Boat wintered high and dry 10 months per year. In perfect condition, ready to sail.

Eslora: 9,91 m Motores: 1 Año: 1990

45000 €
