Imbarcazione divertente per trascorrere piacevoli giornate e piccole regate.trattamento epossidico dello scafo *** Ideal boat for pleasant day cruisings or small regattas.
Barcos relacionados con SCIACCHETRA
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Dedicated to offshore sailing, Nouanni, between Maracuja and Passoa, was designed by Philippe Harle to match blue water cruising needs. The high construction standard of Garcia shipyard adds security and longlasting evidence. Aluminium round bilge, drop centerboard (two centerboards), cutter rigged, remarkable autonomy, PERKINS engine : this ship is definitely dedicated to circumnavigation. Version with salon in the middle, 3 cabins.
> Survey 03/2009 available while visiting. ////////////////////// Unite hauturiere par excellence, Nouanni, entre Maracuja et Passoa, a ete dessine par Philippe Harle pour repondre au mieux aux exigences de tous les grands voyages. La qualite de fabrication des chantiers GARCIA ajoute les gages de securite et longevite. Coque aluminium en forme, deriveur (a deux derives) greement cotre, autonomie remarquable et motorisation PERKINS : ce modele est fait pour les longues routes. Version avec carre au milieu, 3 cabines.
> Expertise de 03/2009 consultable lors de la visite.
Selling price 22.000.- £, pls contact us for details.Please note that in some cases the asking price for yachts listed may be in currencies other than the Euro. In order to avoid misunderstandings please use the Euro prices here as a guide and ensure you clarify the selling currency with our brokers.
Keen seller will consider serious offers.
Barca molto veloce ancora competitiva in ims (ottimizzazione bulbo effettuata timone in carbonio tre ordini di crocette coperta e rinforzi scafo in carbonfiber, boma extralungo, sartiame in tondino) mantenuta bene. *** This well maintained boat is still fast and competitive in IMS regattas.