Barcos de ocasión y barcos nuevos, venta de neumáticas, veleros, yates de segunda mano. Todo en Anuncios del Barco

Jeanneau SUN RISE 35


32855 €

  • Año:1989

  • Estado:Ocasion

  • Eslora:10,73 metros

  • Manga:3,49 metros

  • Calado:0,00 m

  • Marca motor:YANMAR

  • Motores:1

  • Potencia motor:29

  • Combustible:Diesel

  • Capacidad combustible:0 litros

  • Localización:Turquía

  • Capacidad agua:0 litros

  • Personas:0

  • Baños:0

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Rue de L´Ile Pointiere-ZI de Chevire-BP4020, 44101, Nantes Cedex 4 France, España

Descripción de Jeanneau SUN RISE 35

Owner?s comments : The yacht was extremely refitted in 2004 before being sailed by the owner from Barcelona to Fethiye in 2006. She is an incredibly stable vessel with a nice turn of speed. Very comfortable and extremely easy to sail. Broker?s comments : Well equipped with recent upgrades.

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Jeanneau RUSH

Bateau en bon état, bien entretenu, sellerie refaite. Voilier performant et robuste. Possibilité mouillage avec le bateau. Pour tout complément d'information contacter le A VISITER. *** Boat in very good condition and well maintained, refurbshed upholestery. Performant and solid boat. Mooring kit possible. For further informations please call us +33(0) Well worth viewing.

Eslora: 9,55 m Motores: 0 Año: 1981

27500 €


Jeanneau RUSH

Bateau en superbe état. Entretenu tous les ans (voiles, moteur, gréément...). Visible Piriac Appeler Antoine au 0617707483 *** Boat in excellent condition. Maintained every year (sails, engine, rigging...). Can be seen in Piriac. Please call Antoine on +33 (0)617707483

Eslora: 9,55 m Motores: 1 Año: 1980

27000 €
